There are no substitutions for displaying userlists outside their page. You'd have to wrap it in an iframe. Since the contents of the iframe is your own site you're able to modify the iframe using JavaScript as well so it's sized properly. The below should work for example.
<iframe class="w-100 m-0 p-0 overflow-hidden cbUserlistModule" src="index.php?option=com_comprofiler&view=userslist&listid=USERLIST_ID_HERE&tmpl=component"></iframe>
document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', () => {
document.querySelector( '.cbUserlistModule' ).addEventListener( 'load', function() {
const contents = ( this.contentDocument || this.contentWindow.document ); = 0; = 0; = 'auto'; = 'hidden';
const base = document.createElement( 'base' ); = '_parent';
contents.head.append( base );
this.height = contents.body.scrollHeight;
const observer = new MutationObserver( () => {
this.height = contents.body.scrollHeight;
observer.observe( contents.body, {
attributes: true,
subtree: true,
childList: true,
Be sure to replace USERLIST_ID_HERE with the ID of your userlist that you want to display. This should auto size the height to fit the userlist contents. It also implements mutation observer to observe for changes. So if the iframe should change its size it will auto resize the height again. It also appends a base to the iframe contents header to force all links to the parent window.
Note you'll be fighting Joomla's WYSIWYG editor here. It applies some auto formatting to iframes that'll prevent this from working properly. So you'll need to adjust the WYSIWYG editor permissions in System > Manage > Plugins to set "Sandbox Iframes" to "Off".
As this is just an example should you need further adjustments you'll need to look into making those yourself. Hope this helps get things started at least.
We'll be releasing a module specifically for rendering userlists in a future release to make this easier though.