I'm in the process op updating a community website that was still on J3, CB 2.6.0 and Query Field Plugin 5.0.4+build.2017.
There i have this query on a field: SELECT * FROM `personeelsnummers` WHERE `personeelsnummer`='[value]' AND `status` = 'Toevoegen' AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM `uxn04_comprofiler` WHERE `cb_personeelsnummer`='[value]')
Somehow this only worked during registration and not on editing the user in the back-end. Else the validation would fail in backend.
Well i just now updated to latest CB and Plugin versions and it stopped working like it worked before. Now the validation is also triggered when editing a user on the back-end.
What do i need to do to get the same behaviour as i had before?
This code is actually from your tutorial about membership. But that is broken too then because this validation now also runs on editing a user. not only on registration like it did before.
Kind regards,