Using CB 2.9.1+, CBSubs 4.7.0+, Joomla 4.4.3
The mailer is inserting extra line spacing in emails. The editor HTML is OK, as is the emailbody in #__cbsubs_mailer_automessages, but the delivered email has additional line spacing on every paragraph break.
Here's an example snippet (HTML in editor an emailbody in database)
<p>Dear [NAME]:</p>
<p>In six weeks, your CSC Windsurf Locker will expire (on [SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRY_DATE])!</p>
This is the snippet in the delivered email HTML
<p></p><p>Dear XXXXXXX:</p><br><p>In six weeks, your CSC Windsurf Locker will expire (on 04/06/2024)!</p>
Note the <br> between </p> and <p>. This happens for every paragraph. Is there a way to get rid of it?