Just in case anyone else is searching for this I'll summarise what I did below.
1. Create a CB Content module for each field I want to place in an article. I have NAME, STATUS, SUB NAME, TO/FROM DATES
2. Assign it to a unique position like 'certificatedataname'
3. In that module place the CB code like [cb:userdata field="formatname" /]
4. Replicate for each item of data you require.
5. Ensure that there's no div or para formatting in the module content. We can style later.
6. Use loadposition to load each module in the artlcle.
For the SUB NAME I've used the following CB code:
[cbsubs:if plan="9" and status="A"]AFFILIATE MEMBER[/cbsubs:if] [cbsubs:if plan="11" and status="A"]GRADUATE/ENTRY LEVEL[/cbsubs:if] [cbsubs:if plan="2" and status="A"]ASSOCIATE MEMBER[/cbsubs:if] [cbsubs:if plan="1" and status="A"]FULL MEMBER[/cbsubs:if] [cbsubs:if plan="3" and status="A"]CORPORATE MEMBER[/cbsubs:if] [cbsubs:if plan="4" and status="A"]ADMINISTRATOR[/cbsubs:if]
Obviously change plan id and name text for your requirements.
The article then looks like this:
{loadposition certificatedataname}
{loadposition certificatedatastatus}
{loadposition certificatedatasubname}
{loadposition certificatedatavaliddates}
Styling to follow.