The link goes to an image, but in the gallery, it does play the video. When the clip is clicked it opens with a different URL - the correct URL for my uploaded video!<video src=" " type="video/mp4" preload="auto" class="flex-auto h-100 w-100 mh-100 mw-100 galleryImagePreview galleryVideoPlayer" tabindex="-1">
I suspect if this URL were used in the album/clip instead of the CDN, I would see a preview image.<video style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" src="https://[name].net/index.php?option=com_comprofiler&view=pluginclass&plugin=cbgallery&action=item&func=show&id=513&gallery=56f85182a5f61e8d9900ec80edcbf8d7&Itemid=790&format=raw" type="video/mp4" controls="controls" controlslist="nodownload" preload="auto" class="position-absolute galleryVideoPlayer" width="100%" height="100%"></video>
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The Facebook video URLs can be problematic. They changed their share URL structure since that was implemented so it probably needs to be adjusted again. Will take a look for a future release as it's working in CB Activity 6.0.0 (still in development) and will implement the behavior from it into CB Gallery. It currently will only work with the raw video URL, which to get you need to go directly to the video. The share URL won't work for this. The URL should have the following structure.I saw your post about links in the gallery supporting Facebook videos. The video shows on FB with a variety of URL's which I tried all. You accept the link but it won't play - I believe it has some copyright restriction and can't be embedded ( even though that option is available on FB ).
Will be supported on the future, but only with servers with ffmpeg extension.So I used a 3rd party to download the video, and then uploaded it into the gallery. Sadly, no preview image appears in the clip or album. I wish that option were available in the edit clip.
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