I have another Joomla extension installed (jCOMPONENTNAME). In the source code of it, I see the following lines:
JPluginHelper::importPlugin( 'jCOMPONENTNAME' );
$dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
$dispatcher->trigger( 'onAfterPaymentSuccess', array($row));
I read CB Auto Action tooltip help text:
.. For Joomla and Joomla extension events prefix the event with joomla_....
But maybe there are more plugins, now or in the future, using the very original "onAfterPaymentSuccess" name for their Joomla extension. How can I make (absolutely sure) that this CB Auto Action - Action will be only triggered if that specific component jCOMPONENTNAME fires an 'onAfterPaymentSuccess' trigger?
Thanks in advance, Noa