Yes, that's what I had in the content plugin.
Sometimes, JEvents will trigger onContentPrepare but not onContentAfterDisplay - so I triggered it myself.
$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onContentAfterDisplay', array('com_jevents', &$item, &$item->params, 0));
It actually does display working comments, but right now it's the same comments on every event.
So I need something like "content.[article_id]" to store comments specific to each event, right?
"ev_id" is the unique id (in the table) of the event but I don't know where to put that. In $item? or in your plugin as "content.[ev_id]"?
In this script ( /components/com_jevents/views/default/helpers/defaultloadedfromtemplate.php ) it is $event->ev_id()