SUB_TOTAL is the language constant we have placed in
CB Paid Subscriptions: General plugin settings --> Display --> Invoices --> Invoice totalizers labelling --> Sub-Total 1 labelling --> Subtotal 1 article description = SUB_TOTAL
In CB language overrides (and, just in case, in CBSubs language overrides also) we have the following values:
en-gb = 'SUB_TOTAL' => 'Subtotal',
ja-jp = 'SUB_TOTAL' => '小計',
BRONZE_WWOOFER_TITLE is the language constant we have placed in
CB Paid Subscriptions: Promotions --> Name of promotion = BRONZE_WWOOFER_TITLE
In CB language overrides (and, just in case, in CBSubs language overrides also) we have the following values:
en-gb = 'BRONZE_WWOOFER_TITLE' => 'Bronze Discount: WWOOFer Year 2',
ja-jp = 'BRONZE_WWOOFER_TITLE' => 'ブロンズ会員割引:ウーファー会員2年目',