On the CB Register page, when I click the "tab" key on a keyboard, the selected/focused area goes from FirstName -> LastName -> Email -> Password, which is good, but on the next tab key press rather than go to Confirm Password, it selects the show/hide password button and then goes to the Confirm Password on the next tab key press
Is there a way to manually set the tab key order of fields, so that pressing the tab button on Password goes directly to Confirm password, rather than highlighting/selecting show/hide as the next one?
I've searched a bunch but I'm getting drowned out by the other tab order - literally the order that different tabs/sections are displayed in. Here I'm referring to the order when you press the tab key
Additionally, on the register page, is there a way to customise the "Sign Up" button? It uses the btn-primary class, but it does not use the same primary button colour set in joomla for other pages. This means the sign up button is inconsistent with the rest of the site, is there any way to change it's primary colour?