When uploading an PNG image of for example 1.715KB on the front-end user profile, I get the error "The image file size exceeds the maximum of 2.05 MBs". The Default Maximum Image Filesize in the configuration is 4000 and in the field 2000.
When converting the PNG to a JPG image of 1.807KB it works as it should.
Why does the error pop-up on PNG uploads that are below the max filesize threshold?
Maybe you are aware of this issue and can help me fix it or you aren't and is why I should report it.
Hope to hear from you again soon. Thanks!
Last edit: 4 years 7 months ago by krileon. Reason: Added [#8094] tag to subject
Do you have client side resizing enabled in the field under Parameters > Image Limits? If not enabled try enabling it and see if your issue resolves. If already enabled try disabling it. Are you getting this error after selecting the file below the file input (client side validation) or only after attempting to save your profile and it reloads profile edit with error at the top (server side validation)?
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Yes, I have client side resizing enabled in the field under Parameters and yes to this as well, only after attempting to save your profile and it reloads profile edit with error at the top (server side validation)
Client side resizing should not be resulting in a larger image. It should always result in a smaller image. Very strange that it's giving a large image. Have added a bug ticket to investigate further as it's possible the browser API for client side resizing has changed. What browser are you using? Please also be sure your browser is up to date.
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