Not sure what you mean. Or maybe the short answer is just "yes"-
The long answer is:
The actions of CB Auto-actions are executing without specific user rights, but as any Joomla code, so with same rights as a super-admin.
If you create a CB Auto-Action without any trigger specified, the URL displayed in the first tab will allow you to use it with a cron job.
IMPORTANT: If your action is security-critical and someone guessing the URL should not be executing it, then you should also add a condition to the auto-action, e.g.
Field: Value
Custom value: [get_mysecrettoken]
Operator: Equal to
Value: 1231231231231231231231231231231231232312312312323123123213214
(of course put your own long and hard to guess secret token here)
then to the url shown for the cron task, add:
(of course put your own long and hard to guess secret token here)