I saw this had many faults, sp one more time;
Hi, I followed your instructions and I got most of CB plugins installed and then attempted to install not the last one, but the previous update of CB itself after taking backup with "Akeeba backup" and then when I tried to update, the site got stuck and I had to log in to my domain provider "domeneshop.no" and take dharmadata.org down and I don't know what is best to do now. I think it maybe has to do with PHP where I have the latest 7.3 and I tried with 7.4 without luck. I have never tried to use a backup from a Akeeba backup, but everytime I have done updates trough the years, it has taken backups!
On administrator side I runned some checks and it mostly seems ok, but there where one that had some remarks that I did not understand, but I'm now 67 years and things are a bit more difficult for me, so what to do next to get dharmadata up again? When I went in today it looks like the plugins are not updated as they are red again.
Regards, shedor