after searching for days for a solution on how to allow "&" in username field i am stuck!
I read that this is because of joomla username field restrictions
I read that this was solved on joomla next release.
I have tried the hundreds of regex codes that i found.
I have tested these regex codes on some regex testing sites proposed here.
The result is this...
I can enter $, #, @, whatever symbol i want in my username field, but not the "&".
By default there is a "Registration Forbidden Words" field in backend with the following value: http:,https:,mailto:,//.,<a,</a>,&#
Removed the "&" from the badwords value, but nothing changed!
I have seen several posts regarding username validation in the forum, but not a clear answer, so please tell me...
Is the forbidden words the reason of my problem?
If not...
What is the right regex code to allow letters, numbers, blank space and & un username field?
Thank you in advance...