I have a site for clients that work for one of two companies. If they use their email address @theircompany.tld they are approved automatically and if they use a different email address, they are assigned to the "ungeprueft" (unchecked) group and a mail is sent to the admin. The admin then checks if the person is eligible and if yes, he approves the client by assigning him to the "registered" group. This worked out perfectly until some time ago. Now every user that registers is assigned to "unchecked", even the ones who use their working-email address that ends with theircompany.tld.
Does anyone have an idea why my auto action stopped working suddenly?
I'm on Joomla 3.9.10, CB 2.4.2+build.2019. with cb auto actions 8.0.0+build.2019.
This is the setup of my auto action:
Global Tab:
Triggers: onAfterUserConfirm
Type: Usergroup
User: Automatic
Access: Everybody
Conditions Tab:
Field: email
Operator: Does Not Conatain
Value: @companyname.tld
I have 3 [OR] rows with different company names an no [AND] row
Action Tab:
Mode: Replace Usergroup
Groups: ungeprueft
user: empty
Output Tab:
Display: None
Uses Tab: everything left default
Parameters Tab: everything left default either.
As mentioned before, strangely it stopped working from one day to another. I have other sites with the same setup, those still work as intended - older version of cb auto action though. Did anything change in how auto actions work?
Best Regards