Based off the message you're trying to login using Facebook, not Google. For Facebook user_location and user_birthday should work fine.
Edit your application on Facebook (at
) then under Settings > Advanced provide what "Upgrade All Calls" is set to; your application maybe using older API no longer supported or Facebook changed the permissions in 3.1 or 3.2 API as 3.0 is tested working.
If you're using 3.x or greater API already then your application probably doesn't have permission to request that information as user_location and user_birthday require application review which you'll need to request access for those permissions within your application. If you're still using 2.x API then I recommend using the parameter under Settings > Advanced to update the API of your application.
As for Google it's not really possible to extend the permissions for that information right now. They've replaced their Google+ API with People API, which CB Connect is not yet using. Once implemented you should be able to have better control over what permissions you request. You can try the below permissions, but they might not do anything.