1 - the mouse over the avatar display the email (formatname ?) ! I don't want that. How to change to the lastname for example ? I thought it was the field 'User-text' to change but nothing happen.
Edit the avatar field within CB > Field Management then under Parameters > Image Display adjust the Title parameter as needed. If you want last name set it to Custom then set Title Text to [lastname].
2 - the limit field say to leave empty for no limit entries...but when I save , limit is always 30
Seams like a Joomla bug resetting its default value. No idea why it's doing that, but you can just set it to 0 for same effect.
3 - what's the use of statistics and census ? (i have no counter..)
Statistics shows number of online users, offline users, and guests in 1 view. Census shows number of registered users, latest users, number of online users, number of registrations today/this week/this month/this year.