I can't figure out the appropriate Auto Action setup to get the full profile to reload if one particular Ajax field is updated. Since Conditional doesn't work on Ajax updates on a profile page (just on Edit and Registration pages), I need to completely reload the profile page: a yes/no radio button to trigger the display of a file upload field.
If I try a Redirect Auto Action or a Code Auto Action with PHP header("Location: /profile"), the reloaded profile page appears in the Ajax field area, not the full page. How can you reload the parent page, not the Ajax field content?
First, the displayed field in the Profile:
Then, you select the radio button and Update:
But then the Auto Action redirect loads the redirect URL into the Ajax field area (this is the edge of the main logo on the top of the site, now in the Ajax field display area):
I thought I'd try to output a <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0">, but that doesn't seem to get output.
Trigger = onAfterUserUpdate
It seemed easiest to detect the Ajax field submitted by using PHP:
if(array_key_exists('cb_my_field',$_POST)) {
header('Location: /profile?tab=48');