We have implemented a mobile app solution from GoNative, which essentially wraps the Web site in a viewer. In that app, when a member logs in and checks the "remember me" checkbox, then revisits the site later, they get an onscreen error from the Web site "You are not authorized to view this resource." It is unclear what exactly they are not authorized to view, since the page that displays with that message is the member home page, and it appears that all member functions are correctly accessible, and that error message gives no additional info as to what caused it to appear.
Here's the weird thing: if we disable the plugin "Community Builder System plugin," users no longer get this error. (But our Joomla admin screen warns us that with the plugin disabled, CB will not function properly -- and yet, CB seems to work.)
So, A) can we leave CB System plugin disabled, and if so, what impact might that have?
is there some way (besides random trial and error) to determine what auth conflict was causing the initial message?
Thanks in advance for the help.
-Brian Wold, Web Consultant
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