Something seams to be breaking $ variable in CBs jQuery namespace. This means the $.fn.cbactivity function can't bind to the namespace and errors that it doesn't exist. As it works fine directly on profile it seams to be something being done by the EventBooking extension is my best guess. Even activity modules output on the EventBooking extension menu items error.
I've no idea what's causing this. CB Activity is loaded in the header fine. CBs jQuery is loaded. The window.jQuery and window.cbjQuery variables both exist. window.$ appears to be bound to Mootools though and maybe could be the cause.
Reviewing your page headers I don't have a clue what's going on with the loading as something isn't right with them. For some reason the jQuery is being pushed to the header in chunks and it's not output like that by CB. The below is how CBs jQuery is supposed to be output.
1. Cache window.$ and window.jQuery
2. Output CBs main jQuery file
3. Bind cbjQuery to a noConflict instance of jQuery
4. Bind window.$ and window.jQuery to cbjQuery
5. Output all CBs called jQuery files
6. Output all CBs raw jQuery
7. Revert window.$ and window.jQuery to cached values
This is all messed up on your site. It's doing the following.
1. Cache window.$ and window.jQuery
2. Output CBs main jQuery file
3. Bind cbjQuery to a noConflict instance of jQuery
4. Bind window.$ and window.jQuery to cbjQuery
5. Output SOME of CBs called jQuery files
6. Revert window.$ and window.jQuery to cached values
7. Output SOME OF CBs raw jQuery
8. Revert window.$ and window.jQuery to cached values
5-8 repeats a few times. So it keeps reverting and losing its binding to cbjQuery. This will absolutely cause issues. It does not do this on CBs profile page.
With the above said the only fix I can see is to turn off CBs jQuery entirely within CB > Configuration > Integrations and let it use Joomlas, which seams to work. Please give that a try and see if your issue persists.
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