Please download the latest cert below.
Once done upload it to the below location.
Override the current cacert.pem with latest then see if issue persists. This will help confirm if there's something wrong with the cert. If that doesn't work try disabling the bundled cert usage entirely with the below changes.
IN: libraries/CBLib/GuzzleHttp/Client.php
ON: Line 247
'verify' => __DIR__ . '/cacert.pem'
ON: Lines 250 - 256
// Use the bundled cacert if it is a regular file, or set to true if
// using a phar file (because curL and the stream wrapper can't read
// cacerts from the phar stream wrapper). Favor the ini setting over
// the system's cacert.
if (substr(__FILE__, 0, 7) == 'phar://') {
$settings['verify'] = ini_get('openssl.cafile') ?: true;
Note setting verify to false will stop this, but it shuts off SSL verification which is not what we want. We want to know why cert verification is suddenly broken.