I use Community Builder 2.0 and CB Conditional and it was working perfectly, the tab conditions were working well hiding the tabs when the desired field value changed. But today, the conditions on the tabs are not working in Edit whereas it still works fine on the Profile. I checked and the "For... Profile edit" is still on "Enabled". In addition, the display is not working like on the other pages as well, I have two buttons on the top right corner which are Home and My Account and on all the pages they are well displayed but on the Edit page they are stacked... Does someone have any idea what the problem could be ?
The website is [REMOVED]
If you look at the profile, the tabs Aspirations and Experience are hidden if you select Recruit in the field "I join Getsonik to" and visible when you select Recruit, however it is not the case in the profile edition.
Thanks in advance,