Yes, I tried with 2 different Youtube videos, same problem.
No, using the sample page and not have the same problem. the preview of the videos are ok
I also tried to change so activity.php by:
$ Return. = '<Video width = "640" height = "360" style = "width: 100%; height: 100%;" src = "'. htmlspecialchars ($ link [' average '] [' url ']).'"
type = "'. htmlspecialchars ($ link [' average '] [' mimetype ']).'" class = "streamItemVideo "> </ video> ';
$ Return. = '<Video width = "640" height = "360" style = "width: 100%; height: 100%;" preload = "none" class = "streamItemVideo">
<Source type = "video / youtube" src = "'. Htmlspecialchars ($ link [' average '] [' url ']).'" Type = "'. Htmlspecialchars ($ link [' average '] [' mimetype ' ]). '"/> </ video>';
but nothing changes.
I do not know really what