Hm sorry i have to come again back to this as it seems still to be a bit buggy
even i installed the 3.0.4 that might fix the problem but it did not.
First it worked but now that i tried to rearange the order of tabs i have again the same problem (reset is on). So if i e.g. change in the second pack of radio boxes (_self, _meandothers, _others) it resets the number in the consecutive fields but the tabs do not react acordingly.
try this usecase to understand what i mean - select "vollmitgleidschaft (-> radio group 2 shows up) select "Ich und weitere Familienmitgleider trainieren" ->(according field shows up) st number to 3 or 4 or 5 then descide to change the radio to "Nur andere Familienmitglieder trainieren and you can see that the tabs that normaly have to hide still show up until a new number is put in the new shown field. but as i change the radio button the reset has to fire so that the tabs will hide.
second there is still a problem with the field conditions self that does not work correct in this version (3.0.4)
i added 3 fields to the tab contactinfo called: cb_guertelgradtkd, cb_guertelgradtmj and cb_sizeofcloth. before they where on a other tab but i descided to change the form process.
so these 3 fields have to show up if the user selects radio _onlyme or _meandother but they have to stay hidden if he selects _onlyother.
even i configured all thre the same way with a condition self -> field selfmainuser -> equal to "Nur ich trainiere" -> show and a second condition self -> field selfmainuser -> equal to "Ich und weitere Familienmitglieder trainieren" -> show they behave not correct. only the third condition (logic -> hidden if "Nur andere Familienmitglieder trainieren") works correct.
i also tried to configure it with a condition self -> field selfmainuser -> does not contain "Nur andere Familienmitglieder trainieren" -> show. this seems to meet also my need and it would need only one condition to configure but also this way does not work correct.
Sorry to bother you again with that but i don´t know if it is my fault or again a problem with conditions plugin.
the needs are still the same (see above in that thread) and yes your credentials still work to login
thanks for your help again!