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No menu association possible with CB 1.7.1

13 years 1 month ago #189479 by erichburkhard
No menu association possible with CB 1.7.1 was created by erichburkhard
Hi everybody - I had the following infrastructure Joomla 1.7.3 / CB 1.7.1 / CBSubs 1.2.2 / SEO = Active. Because my site is in german and english I first established the menu item association between all the corresponding 'normal' menus and everything worked fine. Then I wanted to establish also a menu association for the CB 'Community Menu' as a whole. For this reason I set up 2 (hidden) menuitems (one menu item in english and the other one in german) linking to "index.php?option=com_comprofiler" and made the association between these 2 menu items....also this worked fine....But now I upgraded to Joomla 2.5. The upgrade has installed successfully but the only thing that didn't work properly was the CB 'Community Menu' (area) one language always the message '404 category not found' appeared. I found out that there are 2 possibilities to prevent this message
1. I deactivated SEO

... or....

2. I deleted the second link to "index.php?option=com_comprofiler" and changed the language back to 'ALL'

...did I do anything wrong? Why does this 'community menu' association work with Joomla 1.7.3 but not with Joomla 2.5 ?


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  • krileon
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13 years 1 month ago #189620 by krileon
CB doesn't currently support Joomlas language filter plugin (responsible for multi-lingual menus, etc..). My guess is you get the 404 because CB is pulling the Itemid of the English menu link and by Joomlas accord that menu link doesn't exist except when using English.

This is scheduled for implementation in CB 1.8 Stable (note 1.8 RC scheduled for today may not have this implemented yet).

Kyle (Krileon)
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