just tested GroupJive Events in different templates under J1.7.3 and CB 1.7.1
First of all I have to admit, that the Calender date & time input is not an optimal solution. The average user will run into problems or he will be surprised by the visual appearance. Let me explain...
GENERAL usability/issues:
Time input might be modern and interactive... but its too fancy and exotic. No matter which J! template, if you keep holding down the mousebutton on the time-sliders... and move left and right... stop for a moment... move again several times... the sliders collapse or even dis-appear.
If clicked ONCE, the time sliders dis-appear immediately... i guess, 99,9% of all users will not understand this behavior. They have no chance to adjust the input with additional clicks and drags. Why does it hide anyway?
On initial page load, the collapsed rounded DIV container is visible on most templates. See bottom left area of the page. If the calendar was opened at least one time, it seems to hide successfully.
JOOMLART T3 1.5.0 & blank template 1.0.7 (JS and CSS compression OFF)
Calendar is hidden under GJ contents.
Calendar bottom area is visible.
Calendar dis-appears on first click. No chance to input anything.
JB ZEN GRID 2.0.4 - Responsive Base Template 2.0.2
Tabs/Integrations floating to the left. Have vertical order.
GANTRY 3.2.12
Tabs/Integrations textlabel has strange appearance, looks doubled and squished.
My suggestions:
- If an interactive calendar is mandatory, it has to be more compatible. IMHO, thats a common problem with fancy scripting stuff
So, I wish there was a solid and easy calendar like we have in CB date field. Users want it simple. The more simple, the less errors.
- Alternative date and time inputs... simple select-boxes might not be "sexy", but readable and usable by all users, browsers and script-libraries. Options to select time, and especially Minutes in intervals i.e. 5-minute-steps, 10-minute steps etc.
- Alternative input fields with INTELLIGENT MASKs... found some interesting input helpers. Please read on here...
jQuery masked input
blog article about it
Mootools related project
Thanks for listening.