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Overwriting Templates update proof and question about the event module

3 years 10 months ago #323891 by maschneider

i have a few questions about your Products.

Is there a possibility to override templates update proof?
For example i want to change where comments on activitys are displayed. How can i do that so i don‘t have to do this changes again after every groupjive update?

Because in your demo install if i want to create a template override there are no option that would give me the possibility to change the template for groupjive for example (and on every other conponents). Because of that my only possibility is to edit the files directly via FTP or Backend (but FTP would be a lot better because i could use my IDE to do the change a lot more easily. But is it possible to do something so these files don‘t get overwritten on an update of the specific module / plugin?

Considering buying your product but for that i need to be sure i can do the update safe template override to change these files and as i have seen in your demo it‘s not possible to create overrides in the backend. Only thing i found there is for the module Groupjive but that doesn‘t help. (the ones i would need to edit are not visible in the list of avaliable overrides (so my concern is that with every Update of Groupjive for example my changes would overwritten and i would have to fix that every time which would be very annoying.

So if there is a way could you explain it to me in short words? Because before i buy the product i would like to test it in the demo install you offer so i can see if it‘s exactly what i need and how complex it is because we would have to change a lot of templates to make it fit the design that got created for us.

I’m also having questions about the groupjive plugin / component:

- Is it possible to add additional informations / field to be added to the event? For example on your project we need an image/icon on every event showing which type of event it is. This should be displayed in the view of the element (where all the other information are displayed) and also a possibility to select these images/icon when creating an event.

Is there a easy and update proof method to do that? In this case we would need to edit the template for event creation and maybe also the php files so these informations get stored inside the database depending on how the plugin is coded.

- Is it possible to show a calendar on the right or left side of the page showing the active month with all days and the number of the day is bold if if there is an event on that day?

We have only 2 groups (like user and admin) in the beginning and they will have different events so it would be great if there were such a calendar that only shows the events for that group because users shouldn‘t see events of admins.

Thanks in advance for your answers

(My english skills are not the best so i hope you understand the whole text, if not feel free to ask :))

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  • krileon
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3 years 10 months ago #323919 by krileon

Is there a possibility to override templates update proof?

Yes, but our plugins do not use Joomlas layout system so you cannot override them from within Joomla and must upload the files to their respective plugin template directories. Custom plugin template files are not lost after updates.

For example i want to change where comments on activitys are displayed. How can i do that so i don‘t have to do this changes again after every groupjive update?

Depending on where you want the Activity or Wall tab moved will determine how difficult this may be.

- Is it possible to add additional informations / field to be added to the event? For example on your project we need an image/icon on every event showing which type of event it is. This should be displayed in the view of the element (where all the other information are displayed) and also a possibility to select these images/icon when creating an event.

No, there's no support for adding custom fields to events in GJ.

Is there a easy and update proof method to do that? In this case we would need to edit the template for event creation and maybe also the php files so these informations get stored inside the database depending on how the plugin is coded.

You'd have to make a custom copy of the GJ Events integration for that. There's no functionality for adding additional fields to the events in GJ.

- Is it possible to show a calendar on the right or left side of the page showing the active month with all days and the number of the day is bold if if there is an event on that day?

No, there's no module for GJ Events.

We have only 2 groups (like user and admin) in the beginning and they will have different events so it would be great if there were such a calendar that only shows the events for that group because users shouldn‘t see events of admins.

CB GroupJive has nothing to do with your ACL. It's for community groups similar to what you'd find on Facebook. It sounds like you need an event calendar and not CB GroupJive. So you may want to take a look at event extensions on Joomlas extension directory.

Kyle (Krileon)
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