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pierre2bzh wrote: Hi everybody!
I have 2 problems and I whish to know if it is possible to easyly fix them with CB before buying CB...
I have a lot of user's groups.
For instance:
- group 1
-- subgroup 1.1
--- subsubgroup 1.1.1
--- subsubgroup 1.1.2
--- subsubgroup 1.1.3
-- subgroup 1.2
--- subsubgroup 1.2.1
--- subsubgroup 1.2.2
--- subsubgroup 1.2.3
-- subgroup 1.3
--- subsubgroup 1.3.1
--- subsubgroup 1.3.2
--- subsubgroup 1.3.3
- group 2
-- subgroup 2.1
--- subsubgroup 2.1.1
--- subsubgroup 2.1.2
--- subsubgroup 2.1.3
-- subgroup 2.2
--- subsubgroup 2.2.1
--- subsubgroup 2.2.2
--- subsubgroup 2.2.3
-- subgroup 2.3
--- subsubgroup 2.3.1
--- subsubgroup 2.3.2
--- subsubgroup 2.3.3
... and so on and so on and so on...
1) During the registration, I want people can choose a usergroup (only in an authorized list of groups I need to choose, of course). Some scripts for Joomla do that but with a unique field. I can not imagine having only a unique field where people have to select the subsubgroup because the list is really too long!! So I want to create conditional fields:
Group -> Group1, Group2
If people select Group1, then a new line appears with the list of the Group-1's subgroups. And same thing for the subsubgroups.
Is it possible to cumulate both scripts (CB conditional + CB auto actions) like that to do that?
2) My first question was about the registration's form. But I want people can change their usergroup (in a list of authorized groups again, of course! ). Is it possible to do that with the same add-ons, after the registration, with a link in the menu who leads to the form or, better, with conditional fields in the user's profil?
Thank you very much for considering. If it is possible to do both, I really think I will subscribe a professionnal plan!
Have a great day,
NB: I read for Joomla 1/2. But I have Joomla 3.5. It will work with if you buy a professional plan with the last version of CB?
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