mapache64 wrote: Hi,
I'm thinking of upgrading to CB subs.
My Plan looks like this:
I have CB and want to add new fields in the member-sheet. But it is only allowed to fill in the fields after purchasing a plan.
The same with groups. Some groups only for members with specific plans.
Can I make this with CB Subs?
Not sure I understand exactly the use case so I will just be posting specific available functionality and you see if it works for you.
With CBSubs you can configure specific fields to appear/hide during the registration process based on selected plan during registration.
So if someone selects plan A on the registration form a number of extra required fields may also appear on the registration form.
The same could be done in a second step. So if someone upgrades to a new plan later on (after registration) then once that new subscription is activated more CB fields will appear on the user profile of that specific user.