frul wrote: Before purchasing i have two important questions:
1)is it possible to send automatic Invoice (PDF) via email directly after registration with offline payment
2 is it possible to create own rules for individual invoice numer, e.g. year + 2 counting number = 2014 + 0019 + 001 = 20140019001
Hi and thanks for posting your question.
Answer to 1 is no. There is no pdf generation feature.
Answer to 2 is yes. The invoice numbering is configurable.
The default invoice number is set to: [PREFIX_TEXT][UNIQ_ID]
The following elements can be used:
Letter depending on payment type: N for new subscriptions during registration, R for Renewing an existing subscription, U for Upgrade to a new subscription.
[NUMBER] for strictly incrementing unique numbers for the corresponding type of invoice number starting at 1 (or the number displayed above that can be reset to a given value).
This is same as [NUMBER], except that you can set the format [NUMBER:1] starting at 1 (where 1 can be replaced by the starting number of your choice, and a fixed number of filler 0s can be added in front: e.g. [NUMBER:000012] will display invoice 211 as 000211).
Optionally a numbering restart time can be set with :RESART:period (no spaces), e.g. [NUMBER:1:RESTART:YEARLY], where instead of YEARLY, MONTHLY and DAILY are also supported.
[YEAR] with 4 digit year, [YEARSHORT] with 2 digits year, [MONTH] and [DAY] of invoice creation (for proforma) or of payment (for final invoice) can also be used.
The [GROWING_ID] replacement can be used for a time-dependant, microsecond-resolution, 16-digits decimal uniqid(), which is always increasing, while [UNIQ_ID] can be used as a unique 16-digits id that looks random.