Please i need some assistance in my website and in search for it i
stumbled to your site through google search engine.
Am Reuben from Nigeria, i need an automated referral programe/social
networking system in my joomla website.
I need a referral program/social network system that the membership is
purely by referals, that is new members must register under somebody
who is already a member through his/her unique code.
after the registration the person can invite other people to the site
with his/her own code and earn some commision, and the members will
have access to their account details and the number of people that
registered under them plus how many of their members who have become
active members but their commisions will not be counting until they
pay a certain amount of money before i activate their membership by
myself and then their commisions will begin to count based on how many
of their downlines who get activated from the time their membership is
activated. Always the members can chat to each other and have a forum
for general chating, the forum will be in a way that they can create
other small forums or groups inside it so that when the members grow
big they will still find it interesting.
I will be the one that will pay them their commisions because i will
be paying them through the bank when they ask for payouts. Also it
will have three levels of membership; free trial member, active
member, and VIP Member, everybody in all the levels of membership can
invite people but is the active and VIP members that will be earning
commisions that is to say that their commisions column wouldn't be
counting until they become active members.
And there will be an advert corner for members to list their products
and services or properties for others to see and contact them.
My website is
My e-mail is .
I will be waiting to recieve your reply.