Ken_Cohiba wrote: Hi,
I've read some pretty old topics about this subject, but didn't find the precise answer. I intend to migrate from Pro to Dev plan with Joomlapolis, as far as I'v had some demands for subs systems. Anyway, some clients don't want a direct external payment system, but they want to sell credits, that will be used afterwards to get some subs or products. As far as I already bought some extra rules for AUP usefull for those sites, I'd like to know if users can use their points to pay subs with CBSubs. If it's not possible, is there another point system that I could use, and that is already compatible with CBSubs to do that.
I don't really have time or energy to create a home made integration plugin, so, could you help me with information about such a feature ?
Thanks in advance
CBSubs GPL can be configured to have a wallet based on a CB field.
The CB field wallet can be used (with a CB automatic promotion) to purchase other CB products.
You can also have a CBSubs GPL plan that someone can purchase with real money to add credits to his wallet.
There is such a use case example in the CBSubs GPL manual.
I am not aware of any integration with AUP that has similar functionality.