Hi there
Our diving club is currently running joomla 2.5.8 and CB 1.9 plus numorous 3 party components/plugins… (
One of our key functionalities is our calendar, from which all activities are managed…
Until 6 months ago we have been using Eventlist combined with a calendar module which shows a small calendar on the webpage for easy overview of activities.
After updating the joomla system, we are having lots of trouble with the eventlist component (eg. not being able to register events from frontpanel)..
We are planning on updating our CB, buying a pro licence and installing the CB pro and get access to all your solutions/add-ons.
In a way I am hoping that we would be able to build and expand our site completely new with your components – thus not having to rely on 3rd party updates and compability in the future…
I have just a few little questions…
1) I can see that groupjive features an event scheduling, but i am not sure how it works and if we would be able to replace out current solution with yours…
- Do you have a calendar module that will display a calendar + clicking days with events leads directly to to the description of the event ?
- can both registred users and subscription members ad events from frontside that require user registration.
- Can you restrict events to only subscribtion members, or registred users or all ?
- Can registred users/subscription members sign up for activities/events themselves ?
I really hope that you can help me, as we currently are stuck without a usable solution...
Best regards
Michael Jeilsø