Quick reply before already overdue sleeping time here (1am)
I'm not sure to fully understand the request here. So I will shortly explain how CBSubs does it:
CBSubs does manage expirations and re-activations automatically:
1) auto-expirations: No need to do manual expirations every "heartbeat" (we don't have heartbeat concept as that won't work with 400,000 members like on this site.
The expirations can happen with a cron job or automatically with user visits or backend views, at admin's choice (configurable).
Each subscription has an expiry_date and a status (those are SQL column names in jos_cbsubs_subscriptions table. The auto-expiration feature will check expiry_date for all subscriptions with status 'A' (active), and expire those where the expiry_date is overdue (taking in account a configurable grace period for the plan).
2) re-activation:
It is automatically done when the user completes payment for an expired subscription. Or if the admin re-activates an expired subscription in the backend in CB user manager.
3) support:
We are always willing to help our members. You can browse through our forums to get a feeling. With Professional membership you get guaranteed same-or-next business day first reply SLA guarantee for unlimited sites!
And CBSubs comes with a 30-days refund guarantee, so easiest is to purchase it, then take an hour to go through the documentation (450 pages detailed documentation!) to get a feeling for it and to try it out.
And of course browse forums and post if not found if you have questions.
Best Regards,