Additionally, when storing Credit Card information, your server and company must be PCI-DSS compliant and have passed an audit corresponding to the number of transactions made.
That's why some payment services providers do provide aliases, avoiding you to go through PCI-DSS certification.
does that and that feature is supported by CBSubs 1.1.2 to store aliases optionally (however the customer then must give his approval for that with an explicit checkmark).
CBSubs 1.1.2 will then at subsequent payments redirect to Ogone's payment mask, with credit card filled-in with XXX and 4 last digits, expiry date and name set, and the user only has to enter his CVC to validate subsequent sales.
It's still not the 1-click you ask, but it gets pretty near.
Here is the link for
Free trial account signup for CBSubs at Ogone
(you need to enable DirectLink support and Alias Manager option for the above credit-card memorization CBSUbs 1.1.2 features)
Later, it will be possible to add 1-click sales in CBSubs to use the stored credit-card numbers.
In addition of Ogone and CBSubs, you will also need acquiring bank(s) for the payment method(s) you want to accept.