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different profile page regarding to type of user

14 years 10 months ago #129067 by loicberder
i have seen that is possible to have different registration page for each type of plan
(we are able to hide some field...)

I would know if it's also possible to also have different profile page ?

thanks in advance

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  • krileon
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14 years 10 months ago #129254 by krileon
Yes it is possible to do the same for profiles using CBSubs Fields Tabs Protection integration which will allow controlling display/access of fields/tabs based on a users subscription OR the user viewing the users subscription.

Kyle (Krileon)
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14 years 10 months ago #129268 by loicberder
thanks for this answer
i have already seen those features in the documentation

but I am searching to know if i can have differents profiles templates (based on the plan the user have subcribed) : means differents ways of presenting the informations not only hiding some tabs or fields
(like Community Builder Profile Pro extension for exemple)

am i more understandable ?

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14 years 10 months ago #129278 by krileon
Aah, sorry no CBSubs can not move tabs or fields around to create entirely different profiles. HOWEVER, does not mean it can not be done!

First create all your fields to not display on profile. Now create all your tabs. Then create delimiter fields and using substitutions you'll display said fields. You could create the following.

Tab1_Plan1 (Position: Main)
- Field1_Plan1_favoriteshow

You then protect the above tab with Plan 1. Therefor the tab will only show if the user has Plan 1. You can then create this tab again but as Tab1_Plan2 in a different position as well as recreate the field. Then protect that newly duplicated tab with field with Plan 2. You then have the same information in 2 different locations based on a users subscription.

It is also possible to simply create a new fieldtype plugin or just a new CB plugin which can alter the template using the trigger onBeforeUserProfileDisplay followed by example code snippet as the triggers function (please see tutorials on triggers for better understanding of their usage).

$ueConfig = 'template_name';

Post edited by: krileon, at: 2010/04/05 19:29

Kyle (Krileon)
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14 years 10 months ago #129681 by loicberder
thanks for the tips

i can not duplicate the fields because if the user upgrade is plan, he'ill have the re-enter the data...

i'll try to explore "the trigger manner"

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  • krileon
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14 years 10 months ago #129753 by krileon

i can not duplicate the fields because if the user upgrade is plan, he'ill have the re-enter the data...

You do not need to duplicate fields, you're actually only having 1 field that stores the information within Field Management. All you're doing is creating multiple Delimiter fields which use substitutions such as [cb_myfield] to display it in various locations.

Kyle (Krileon)
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