So much time on this issue. And this isn't the first time it's happened. I have default CB fields like cb_phone and cb_address (all the most important ones) that are not showing in the Field Manager. I have had this issue in the past, and it is related to a CB bug that does not put the proper tabid on those fields so they do not show up in the Field Manager. They are in the SQL DB and visible through phpMyAdmin, just not in the CB back-end interface.
This happened to me on another site last year, and I was able to use phpMyAdmin to change the tab ids and make them display in the Field Manager. But I can not seem to get those all important fields like cb_city, cb_state, cb_zip, etc to show up in my SQL query so that I can edit them. I have been able to change fields like cb_bankname. But not the main contact fields. It's a complete show stopper if I can't work with those fields in the Field Manager. Anyone out there had this issue and have a way to get to those fields in phpMyAdmin?
Or better yet. CB dev team. This is a long standing bug. Please address it!!