A bug has been reported to Joomla regarding almost the same problem in articles.
If I use the googlemaps plugin(mosmap) to have a map displayed for the users address,
I see some strange behaviour when it goes to edit profile, it displays the field name, along with ">
The problem in the normal joomla article is the article filter that doesn't want articles to have both { } and =, that can be circumvented by adding a space after the last token=value in mosmap, but it doesn't fix it in CB.
The snapshots are taken from a working site, but it has been tested on simple joomla 1.7 with cb 1.7 and the mosmap plugin.
The mosmap looks like this:
{mosmap address='[cb_adresse],[cb_postnummer] [cb_by],[cb_land]'|width='260'|height='260'|zoom='14'|zoomtype='none'|mapType='hybrid'|showmaptype='0'|overview='0' }