I want to inform that when editing your details 'contact info' tab, on the side of the input fields it isn't showing the icons (Info, Mandatory, etc), it is showing texts or messed texts like that:
1) * This Field is required Information for: Usertype : Usertype
2) Back-end Language:: Information for: <label id="paramsadmin_language-lbl" for="paramsadmin_language" class="hasTip" title="Back-end Language:::Default Language for the Administrator Back-end">Back-end Language:</label> : Default Language for the Administrator Back-end
Extra info: I've tested without my 2nd language plug-in (uninstalled) and with just english version (default) the issue remains. If in the CB configuration 'General' tab, 'Show icons on fields' I select none, the texts doesn't show, but it isn't a solution once I want the icons showing at the registration moment.