7151 Stripe: implement parameter to toggle on popup billing address
7093 CBSubs URL: log request details when HTTP request fails
7083 Add menus option for Subscriptions and for Access Denied views
7166 PostAffiliatePro renewals using wrong parameter
7145 Stripe: timeout in cbsubs causes payment to not associate with basket
7143 Stripe: initial pending SEPA charge being treated as successful
7142 Stripe: renewing subscription with an expired card cause double subscription
7141 CBSubs Promotions: When a discount is applied to an autorecurring plan with same first and next payment amounts, totalizer Total text says "Total for first payment"
7128 CBSubs Promotions: Unclosed em tag
7125 Stripe: trialing IPN isn't being ignored
7104 API: Auto-recurring scheduler schedule() didn't return boolean as documented and unschedule always saving (no bugs related)
7098 CBSubs SQL Actions: external database connection fails
7090 CBSubs 4.2.0 Regression in cbpaisubsbot: Class ContentHelperRoute not found in plug_cbpaidsubscriptions/plugin/cbsubscontent/cbsubs.content_access.php on line 1082