Ok the rewrite process for CB Conditional has started. Its next release will be 5.0.0 containing AND/OR usage. Take a look at what the condition structure will look like in 5.0.0 below.
You'll notice each AND/OR case is its own repeat usage. There is no limit here. If you need to cover 20 different OR cases you can. For backwards compatibility Tabs 1 - 5 will just be converted to OR cases. I will do the best I can to make sure migration goes as smoothly as possible.
Please keep in mind the "Conditional others" usecase will be removed and I highly suggest adjusting your conditions accordingly to ensure the migration goes as smooth as possible. This does mean conditioning of a fields options will likely be gone and it's advised if you need to do that to use a Code Select or Query Select field with CB Core Fields Ajax usage of Update On for more reliable display of options based off criteria.