That's not where they go. They go in plugins/cbactivity-language.php of your language plugin. The same place all our plugin language files go. Modifying the defaults in the plugin it self only affects English and only if no language has been loaded./components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbactivity/language/default_language/language.php
Huh? You mean CB Gallery music uploads aren't logging activity?Another issue where downloaded music file itself is not displayed in the activity!
Because there's no room for that. It's not designed to show the avatar. You can copy the connections system action though and add whatever you want to it.Why not displayed, the user can not see the avatar with whom contact was established ???
Because they're treated as a mention. That's how it's designed. You're welcome to copy the connections system action and make whatever changes to its activity logging behavior that you want.Why login to sign @ ?? This is not correct, the login must be clean