Just a heads up. There's going to be a B/C breaking change with RC4. So you will lose some comments. I'll try to provide a query to help migrate those comments manually, but there won't be migration for them built into CB Activity.
What I've changed is what comments are attached to. Currently comments are attached to the activity entry. Now this is fine for Status posts, but lets say you upload a photo. The below is the result of uploading a photo now.
1. Upload Photo
2. Generate Activity
- Type: gallery
- Sub-Type: photos
- Item: PHOTO_ID
3. Comment on Photo Activity
- Type: activity
Now the problem with the above is my comment is now linked to the activity. At first glance this isn't a big deal, but what happens when photos have commenting? The result is the photo and the activity entry have entirely separate comments. So commenting on the photo doesn't show on the activity comments and commenting on the activity entry doesn't show on the photo. With RC4 I've changed it so when there is an "item" value present in the activity entry it will link the comments to it as well. So the above becomes the below.
1. Upload Photo
2. Generate Activity
- Type: gallery
- Sub-Type: photos
- Item: PHOTO_ID
3. Comment on Photo Activity
- Type: gallery
- Sub-Type: photos
- Item: PHOTO_ID
Now when photo commenting is implemented the photos for its activity entry automatically populate over. None of this affects comments on activity with no item. So comments on status posts and profile updates for example will be fine.
This same usage will apply to Tags as well, but tagging outside of status posts doesn't exist yet so no B/C issues there. Likes will also function this way when implemented.
So you shouldn't lose too many comments, but regardless I'll try to come up with a query to easily and quickly migrate these in 1 go via phpmyadmin.
Update: Ok once RC4 is released the below query (replace the table prefix if you need to) will migrate those old comments. Normally I'd just implement this migration directly in the plugin, but I feel it doesn't make much sense in an RC. If there was a stable between these releases then it'd be built in. This is a 1 time run type thing as well; you won't need to run this again.
UPDATE `jos_comprofiler_plugin_activity_comments` AS c
LEFT JOIN `jos_comprofiler_plugin_activity` AS a
ON a.`id` = c.`item`
SET c.`type` = a.`type`, c.`subtype` = a.`subtype`, c.`item` = a.`item`, c.`parent` = a.`parent`
WHERE c.`type` = 'activity'
AND ( c.`item` != '' AND c.`item` IS NOT NULL )
AND ( a.`item` != '' AND a.`item` IS NOT NULL )