Describe the bug I found Community Builder 2.0 8 (Connect 7.0.0 Beta 1 released )Describe in detail
Did all the instructions. I need a Russian translation. Did as described in the link
go to the folder
/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/language/ru-ru/cbplugin find the script file
cbconnect-language.php translate the text into Russian language
Russian text is displayed on the site, all except for the buttons!!!
30: 'SIGN_IN_WITH_SITENAME' => 'Sign in with [sitename]',
change the text in Russian
'SIGN_IN_WITH_SITENAME' => 'Войти через [sitename]',
save the file and return to the server. The translation on the buttons and tooltips will not display on the site, and remains in English
here is a screen of the result
not yet translated button, everything else works!