This thread discusses
Community Builder 1.8.1 Released!
Well first of all many thanks to all who helped during these last 48 hours since we discovered with surprise that the final upgrade of 2.5.5 was breaking CB 1.8. I hope all have been named in the front-page article, and I would also like to thank Kyle and Nick too here.
CB 1.8.1 adds also some needed things for some cool news coming soon.
As usual here is the changelog: 16 bugs fixed and 2 features added:
16 Bugs fixed:
3301 In some situations (rarely) get_groups_below_me can return nothing for RAW output
3303 CMS authentication plugin login only loads by username
3310 Permissions check of single user while administrator fails
3335 J2.5+UddeIM: CB PMS Integration needs updating for Joomla 2.5 and uddeIM
3354 After registration triggers altering $user variables no longer function
3376 J2.5: Backend: Warning texts do not display the warning triangular icon
3391 API bug: gids not an array for new moscomprofilerUser()
3412 cb.params: Warning when no posted variable: WARNING: implode() Invalid arguments passed in administrator/components/com_comprofiler/library/cb/cb.params.php on line 2033
3443 J1.5: getAuthorisedViewLevelsIds only returns 0
3457 PHP Notice in on line 1019 when accessing CBSubs invoice from backend
3486 J2.5: Invalid articles in article tab with SEF enabled on J2.5 results in notice
3540 J2.5: When viewing a user as an administrator that user is considered a moderator
Joomla 2.5.5 breaks CB 1.8.0 user saves (including registration)
3558 CB plugin install file might not be running in some systems
3559 J1.0.12-: login had a notice
3560 Backend: Update handling of sub-SA to new SA rules of J2.5.5+
2 Feature added:
3472 Implement K2.0 support into forum integration
3561 Backend API: Add htmlarea and permissions types to XML params
Details can be found
on our CB forge tracker here
This thread discusses the release itself.
Please report any issues or difficulties in other forum threads.