Instead of all those plug ins, what about making groups and access through JACL. That's what I am working ona s astrategy. The JALC groups and access alos work in Joomla Board as i understand it. In the bridge Joomla - SMF they are planning to integrate JACL so the same groups would show in SMF forum. I think in SMF you can limit viewing by group (someone here will know that)
So then it is a matter of assigning content etc to groups and controlling what people can see.
Tell me if theis is a good strategy or should i try another approach?
If it is a good strategy, i was then thinking i need two things in CB
1. When someone registers, that they can select any number of groups from a choice (radio buttons) on a CB registration form - they would be fields, as set in CB. So then, If I preset groups to match the CB field names, can there be code that acheives: "If field x selected, then join new user to group x" Maybe the way would be to have some code that I can paste into the appropriate CB registation file, or there would be another way.
2. Secondly, a registered user can choose to remove themselves from groups and join others.
"If field x selected, then remove registered user from group x" "If field x selected, then join user to group x". That can be the Personl info in the CB tab, that is acarried over from registration. Maybe the way would be to have some code that I can paste into the appropriate CB registation file, or there would be another way.
"Fresh" orginal post wants to also let users make new groups and adds the need to bridge (have plug ins) for other utilities. I think my idea would mean plug ins for the other utilities with JACL.
What do you think?
I am not into MySQL or Php, but am trying to figure out a strategy.
Post edited by: romus, at: 2006/09/20 00:59
Post edited by: romus, at: 2006/09/20 01:15
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