I made it by myself and it`s works great . Before this 30% of my registered user upload their image and now 90% has one . great effect
How it`s works ?
If a guest trying to see other profiles he will see another picture instead the real one with text: You need to register first to see members images .
If he register and don`t upload his image ,he will see another picture instead the real one with text : Limited access :Upload a image to your profile for viewing others .
Tested 1 month and all I can say is great . If anyone want this script I`am glad to help you for a small donation for my time ( site_inimioara@yahoo.com ):P
Sorry for my bad english speak. :whistle: Hope that you can understand me :blush:
Post edited by: site_inimioara, at: 2008/05/08 10:54