I'd like to make a request for a plugin. Although I'd be totally gobsmacked if someone took me up on it!
Here's what I would like to happen:
2 Actors: Member and Connection.
Member logs in and creates a task list with the following fields:
Description, Due Date, Connection
Sometime later, member logs on and logs task as done.
Connection receives a message telling him/her it has been done.
If member is overdue (say by 1 week) in logging task, both member and connection get a message.
Now I know its unlikely that anyone is going to say
"hey what a super idea! I'll do that tomorrow!" so can someone tell me what I need to know to do it myself.
I have a small understanding of mysql and php, but I once was an experienced programmer.
thanks for any help.
Post edited by: gardengal, at: 2007/12/06 21:52