Firstly, thanks to all the developers who worked and continue to work on CB and its plugins. What an amazing community!
I would like to implement a multiuser blog on my CB education
community site (
- in development) but one that is user-friendly and highly customisable (ie. not mamblog).
At first I was looking for a multiuser CB<->wordpress bridge or a bridge to another good multiuser blog but recently I've decided that it doesn't matter
tooo much if my users need a separate login.
However, what I would love is the ability to list blog entries (as intro with read more...) of all my users who have blogs on my server(sorted by most recent). This would look like the blog view in joomla but would retrieve something like a 'Blog URL' field from each users CB profile and collect the entries from their blog (that is not within joomla).
HA! Now that I've written it down I realise how stupid this idea is (and ridiculous to implement).:blush: I'm requesting something that would be less useful and probably just as hard or harder to implement than what we really need.
I'll still post this because I think the bottomline is we need a CB<->wordpress
multiuser bridge. If I had the ability to code it or had the time to learn right now I would. Until then, is there another option?
Post edited by: synapze, at: 2007/04/30 09:54
Post edited by: synapze, at: 2007/04/30 09:55