I am looking for a plugin for Comunity Builder to create a person address book.
Probably need two parts
1. A Componet for Joomla that will supply administration and a front end to the user via a menu link to thier contact information and addressbook. On the backend the abbility to manage fields and maybe the option to link to Joomla or CB dabase.
2. A plugin for Community Builder to supply a tab on the user profile to request thier contact information. If approved the contact information is added to both parties address book. If denied the option of sending a reason via PMS and/or E-mail.
I think this could be a open source project that more people can find usefull. If your willing to take on this project let me know and I am sure I can explain a little better what I am thinking. I may be able to donate a little money to the person who is willing to take this on.
Post edited by: flyingeagle855, at: 2006/05/20 21:10
I too would like a similar feature such as this, but I would be looking for a Global address book, where users can elect to have their information that they provide at registration (or at a later date) available to other registered users.