Hello and thank you for your help.
I don't know if the problem is there. So I went back with the "header" method of the code:
<meta property="og:description" content=" [cb_experienceprofessionnelle]" />
<meta property="og:image" content=" [avatar]" />
My problem is that part of my og: description tag appears at the very top of the site with "/> at the end
This tag uses the content of the "Professional experience" field found further down in the body of the page
In fact the problem is encountered as soon as there is an url in the content of my field. I don't see how to delete its urls
This does not work, it just displays the entire field visible above the menu
[cb:parse function="clean" method="string"][cb_experienceprofessionnelle][/cb:parse]
thank you for your help